A Mutant Named Mizzie Read online

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Superheroes are everywhere. Leaping across cinema screens, appearing in commercials, and starring in novels like Joshua Dread by Lee Bacon.

  Okay, fine—I’m not technically the star. That would be Joshua Dread, the twelve-year-old son of my archnemeses, the Dread Duo. Joshua just wants to be normal, but it’s tough to do when your parents are involved in an evil scheme to destroy the world. Especially now that Joshua is developing a strange power of his own.

  If you haven’t read Joshua Dread already—read it now! Because let’s not forget, Joshua Dread features a celebrity guest star—me!

  Superheroically yours,

  Captain Justice,

  International, World-Famous Superhero,

  Defender of Justice

  LEE BACON grew up in Texas with parents who never once tried to destroy the world (at least, not that he knew of). He lives in Brooklyn, New York. Visit him at leebaconbooks.com.